Saved Searches
Information valid from AMI version 8.0 Service Pack 3
Agility allows you to store searches you have run before and re-use them. You can also share these searches with other users.
The list of Saved Searches potentially could be very long, and so a Filter text box is provided. Enter a value to filter the list. Like similar filters in AMI, it is case-insensitive and accepts the wildcard characters ? (match any one character) and * (match any number of characters).
You can also filter Saved Searches by their Owner, the user who created them.
Gadget Action Menu Items
Create Saved Searches...
You cannot create a Saved Search on this screen—define a search and then select Save Current Search... from the Saved Search side menu:
Edit Saved Searches...
You cannot edit a Saved Search on this screen—run an existing Saved Search, change its parameters then select Save from the flyout menu:
Delete Saved Searches...
Deletes the selected Saved Searches. You will be warned if any of the searches are shared with other users.
Access Rights...
Administrator users can set the access rights to Saved Searches for User Groups or individual Users. These access rights apply to Saved Searches in general, not to specific Saved Searches.
- Add—create new Saved Searches
- Edit—change existing Saved Searches
- Remove—remove existing Saved Searches
- Inherit—use the access rights from the parent group
Permission to use specific Saved Searches is set by editing the Shared with list in a Saved Search's Details:
Clears the Filter field.
Pinned searches
Pinned searches can also be watched, which will automatically update the number of results displayed for each watched search.
The System Preferences SEARCH_UX_CONFIG option sets the Refresh Interval for updating the number of results. The Refresh Interval checkbox enables and disables automatic updating of watched saved searches.
Custom Facets and Results Layout
Each Saved Search can customise which additional facets are displayed when the search is used and how the results are displayed. See Configure Facets and Configure Results Layout for more information.