Language Definitions screen
Information valid from AMI version 8.0 initial release
From AMI 7.2, Language Definitions can be found in the new 'Configuration Options' of AMI, which is designed to show gadgets with an administrative function. The Admin Browser gadget is deprecated from Agility 7.2.
Language Definitions can only be edited and created using an Agility 7.2 and above server version.
You can enter a Filter value to filter by the language versions' names. Like similar filters in AMI, it is case-insensitive and accepts the wildcard characters ? (match any one character) and * (match any number of characters).
Languages are displayed in a hierarchy, so a parent language will appear above its dependent language versions in the list. When you create a new language, it will be created as a dependent language of the selected language.
It is not possible to remove a language definition through AMI.
Gadget Action Menu Items
Create Language Definition...
Opens an editor to create a language version.
Edit Language Definition...
An alternative to selecting on an item's name to open its editor.
- Language Name—the name of the language version in Agility.
- Non-Cascading—if checked, any changes to attributes in this language version will not set the translation flags in any child languages.
- Right to Left—whether the language version is written right to left, such as Arabic or Urdu.
- Index for search—whether attribute values in this language version are included in Elasticsearch indexes.
Language Settings
These are the locale settings for the language version. You can select this by Name, Language or Country.
Delete Language Definition...
This option is always disabled as it is not possible to delete a language definition.
Access Rights...
Administrator users can set the access rights to Language Definitions for User Groups or individual Users. These access rights apply to Language Definitions in general, not to specific Language Definitions.
- Add—create new definitions
- Edit—change existing definitions
- Remove—this access right does not apply to Language Definitions
- Inherit—use the access rights from the parent group
Clears the Filter field.