Price Lists screen
Information valid from AMI version 8.0 initial release
From AMI 7.2, Price Lists can be found in the new 'Configuration Options' of AMI, which is designed to show gadgets with an administrative function. The Admin Browser gadget is deprecated from Agility 7.2.
The list of Price Lists potentially could be very long, and so a filter text box is provided. You can enter a value to filter the list. Like similar filters in AMI, it is case-insensitive and accepts the wildcard characters ? (match any one character) and * (match any number of characters).
Select a Price List to edit it.
Price List definitions
Each price list has several fields that affect how price values appear when published via an Agility price style. Values for these fields are optional.
- Decimal Separator—the characters used in the {Decimal Separator} field of a price style.
- Thousand Separator—the characters used in the {Thousand Separator} field of a price style.
- Decimal Places—the number of decimal places that price values should be padded to, or rounded to if the {Decimal Places} field is used in a price style.
- Currency Prefix—the characters used in the {Currency Prefix} field of a price style.
- Currency Suffix—the characters used in the {Currency Suffix) field of a price style.
- Error Text—the custom text to display if a price in the list has no value. If no Error Text is defined for a price list then the ERROR_PRICE_TEXT from System Preferences will be displayed. If no ERROR_PRICE_TEXT has been defined then references will appear as unresolved tags in Page Builder and as #NO VALUE# elsewhere.
Gadget Action Menu Items
Create Price List...
Opens an editor to define a new Price List.
Edit Price List...
An alternative to clicking on a Price List's name to open its editor.
Delete Price List...
Deletes the selected Price Lists.
Access Rights...
Administrator users can set the access rights to Price Lists for User Groups or individual Users. These access rights apply to Price Lists in general, not to specific Price Lists.
- Add—create new definitions
- Edit—change existing definitions
- Remove—remove existing definitions
- Inherit—use the access rights from the parent group
Clears the Filter field.