Asset Filters
Information valid from AMI version 8.0SP6
Asset filters allow you to select assets according to their names, asset relation, object type and the object type of the object to which they’re related. Once you have matched assets by these criteria you can choose whether they should be displayed (Include) or hidden (Exclude) when the filter is applied.
Asset filters can be applied in the Assets gadget and the Lightbox gadget.
Defining Asset Filters
Asset Filters are defined in the Configuration Options workspace.
- Include Objects Matching the Filter – only assets matching the filter will be listed; all other assets will not be listed.
- Exclude Objects Matching the Filter – assets matching the filter will not be listed; all other assets will be listed.
Asset Name Filter – the value in the Asset Name Filter area is used to match assets by their name attributes.
Asset Name Filters which do not use a regular expression are not case-sensitive.
For example, the characters “jpg” would match both “JPG” and “jpg” in an asset name.
You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard character to match any number or any character.
For example, the Asset Name Filter ABC* would match any asset with a name starting with the characters ABC in either upper or lower case.
You can use the question mark (?) to match a single character.
For example, the Asset Name Filter abc?.jpg would find abc1.jpg but not abc12.jpg.
For asset name filters which do not use a regular expression, you can use the comma (,) character to enter several name filters.
For example, if you entered *.jpg,*.eps into the Asset Name Filter then the filter would match assets with names ending in either .jpg or .epsDon’t put a space after a comma when you’re defining a simple filter: Agility will try to match that space to asset names!
- Test Asset Name – You can enter a test value for the Asset Name Filter into this area.
As you type, Agility will check the value against the Asset Name Filter and change the color of the area: if the value does not match the Asset Name Filter then the area will be colored red; if it does match then it will be colored green. - Use Regular Expression – Check this box to define the Asset Name Filter as a regular expression.
The three tabs on the Asset Filter panel allow you select the Asset Relations, Asset Object Types and Related Object Types used to match assets.
Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to either Select All or Select None of the options on a tab.
Select Revert to undo changes on the active tab made since the filter was last saved
Asset Relation
On this tab you can select which asset relations should be used to match assets.
For example, you could define a filter that only matched assets which were related by an asset relation attribute called “Main Image”.
Asset Object Type
On this tab you can select which types of asset object should be checked to match assets.
For example, you could define a filter that only matched assets of an object type called “Web Images”.
Related Object Type
On this tab you can select which object types that have a relation to the asset should be used to match assets.
For example, you could define a filter that only matched assets related to objects of a type called “Module”.