AI Monitoring
The AI Monitoring screen allows you to see the status of AI Generation requests made from Agility.
You can filter the list of requests:
Changes After/Changes Before—set optional datetimes to filter requests.
Users—filter by the username of the user that triggered the generation request.
Only Administrator-role users can view requests made by other users.Status—filter by the status of requests.
Select Refresh to update the list of requests.
You can select a category of status (Incomplete, Skipped, Complete, Errored or Total) to view the list of those object instances on the Product Search results screen.
Hover over a status to see an explanation.
Download Logs
Select (Download Logs) to save the full information returned for a request to a local file.
The filename will contain the guid (globally unique identifier) that identifies the request.
You can use this information in other applications.
Select (Retry) to re-process all the Errored instances in a request.
You can only retry requests that you made.
Only the errored instances will be retried: successful requests will not be processed again.
If an error occurs during a retry, hover over the icon to see an explanation.