

Information valid from AMI version 8.0 SP19 (23.1)


The Dashboards slideout menu lets you view, edit and share dashboards. It has two tabs: My Dashboards and Shared.

It also has the Create New Dashboard... link to create a Dashboard.

See the  AMI Dashboards article for detailed information on how to use Dashboards.

Create New Dashboard...

Select Create New Dashboard... to make a new Dashboard. You will be considered the "owner" of that Dashboard and can share and edit it later.

See AMI Dashboards for more details.

My Dashboards tab

This tab shows all the Dashboards that you have created. You can filter the Dashboards by their names by entering a value in the Filter dashboards box.

Open a Dashboard by selecting it.

 Share Dashboard

Select this to choose which Users and User Groups can view your Dashboard. It will appear on their list of Shared Dashboards.

 Edit Dashboard

Select this to open the Dashboard in edit mode, where it can be renamed and have Visuals added and removed.

 Pin Dashboard

Add the Dashboard to the sidebar menu.

 Unpin Dashboard

Remove the Dashboard from the sidebar menu

Shared tab

This tab shows the Dashboards created by other users that have been shared with you.

You can filter the Dashboards by their names by entering a value in the Filter dashboards box.

You can Pin () and Unpin () shared Dashboards.

If you have been granted the appropriate rights, you can Share and Edit a Dashboard shared with you.