Price gadget
Information valid from AMI version 8.0 initial release
The Price gadget shows all of the price data for the current object in the currently selected Price List.
Select a value in the Price or Price Type columns to edit it.
Each row in the table has a checkbox in the first column. Selecting any of these checkboxes enables the Delete button. Selecting Delete delete the selected Price Type rows.
If there are any Price Types defined in Agility which are not set for the current object, they can be added by making a selection from the Add Price Type drop-down.
Selecting Add will let you set initial values for the currently selected Price Type. The only mandatory field is Price.
Selecting Add All will attempt to add all of the remaining Price Types to the current object, and will do this by opening a series of editor dialogs, prompting for initial values for every Price Type in the drop-down list. Selecting Cancel in any of these editors will stop the process and no more dialogs will be shown, but any Price Types which have already been added will still be saved.