AMI Help

AMI Help

Information valid from AMI version 8.0 initial release


This article provides information on the general, non-gadget features of the AMI interface.

See also:

Click the banner logo to display a page of information about 3rd party software used in AMI, and a What's New section giving an overview of new features in this release.

Hover the cursor over the logo to display a tool tip of version information about your system. This includes the version numbers of AMI, SSAMI and Agility Server, and the username of the currently logged-in user.

Workspace Selection

The workspace selector lets you swap between the different workspaces you have access to.

If you have been granted access to create and edit workspaces, its first two options are always Create new workspace and Edit current workspace, which invoke the Workspace Editor. In the Workspace Editor you can set any of the various configuration parameters for workspaces and gadgets, as well as add gadgets to the workspace and move them around. You can also alter the size and number of columns used in the workspace.

Price Lists

This dropdown contains all the price lists available to you. Use it to set the current price list.


This dropdown lists all the language versions available to you. Use it to set the current language version.

Changing the language version will refresh the gadgets to display attribute values in the new language. However, attribute names and object names are always displayed in your default language.

Structure Filter 

An attribute set can be assigned as a structure filter set for a workspace. Each of the attributes in this attribute set becomes available as a filter property which, when the filter is activated , will hide objects that don't pass the filter.

For example, you could use an attribute set that contained the attributes "Size", "Weight" and "Market": this would allow you to quickly filter objects by the values of any of those attributes.

When active, a structure filter is applied to gadgets that display objects or the results of searching for objects. For example, the Browse, Search and Relations gadgets are all affected by the structure filter.

Other Features

At the top right of AMI you can see the name of the logged-in user. Select this for a menu of extra features.

 System Information

This opens a dialog of diagnostic information you can be copy and paste into support requests. It includes the versions of AMI and Agility Server that you are using, and a record of diagnostic messages generated by AMI.

 Generate Diagnostics

Select this option to generate and download a ZIP archive that contains basic information about the state of your system.

Always include this file when contacting support!


Select this to completely refresh the current workspace. It is equivalent to logging out and then logging in again.


Displays this page.

 User Preferences

Select this to open the User Preferences dialog. This lets you set several user-specific settings, such as whether your initial language should be the language you used in your last session, or your default language.

 Change password

Select this to change your password. You have to enter your current password, the new password and then confirm the new password.

 Log Out

Logs the user out and returns to the login page.


Each workspace can be configured by an administrator to display a range of gadgets. These gadgets are displayed on the page in a three column format. The width of these columns can be altered by clicking and sliding in the margin between the columns. A full list of available gadgets and instructions for defining workspaces can be found in the AMI Gadget Directory.

Each gadget can be collapsed and expanded using the  icon in the top-right corner of the gadget's title bar, or by double-clicking in the title bar.

The menu icon  in the title bar of the gadget displays that gadget's Action Menu. Each gadget has its own set of actions, although all gadgets have a Refresh and Help option.

Some gadgets may display a third icon  which allows the user to 'pop out' that gadget and expand it to fill the browser window.


Reloads the gadget and refreshes the display using the currently selected object.


Selecting the help option displays the help specific to that gadget.

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