Agility Assets screen

Agility Assets screen

Information valid from AMI version 8.0 SP11


The Agility Assets screen lets you set the Agility Assets configuration options for your environment.

These options determine how asset files are identified (File Types) and which Agility Object Types are created to represent them, what metadata is read from asset files and which Agility Attribute Definitions are used to store that information, and the System Preferences specific to Agility Assets.

There is one "global" configuration that is applied by default and the option to define configurations for individual AHFS providers that override some or all of the default options. Likewise, individual folders within a provider may have their own configurations that override the provider's and global configurations.

Select a configuration in the list to edit it.

Asset Types

Asset Types are how an asset is categorised in Agility.

For the Agility Assets, if a Asset Type's Pattern is found in a filename then that file will be represented in Agility by an object of the chosen Object Type.

The Pattern is a string of characters, for example .jpg or WEB_.

Where more than one pattern is found in a filename, the longest match is preferred. For example, WEB_IMAGE will be preferred over WEB_. If there's more than one longest match then the first one matched will be preferred.


Metadata is the information about an asset read from its file. This is mapped into attribute definitions in Agility. For example, you could choose to map a file's size to an attribute definition called "Asset File Size" in Agility.

A metadata mapping is three pieces of information:

  • the Tag of the metadata that should be read from the asset
  • the Type of metadata being read
  • the Attribute Definition that metadata will be stored in

So you might choose to read the information tagged as "ColorSpace" and store it in an attribute definition called "Color Space" in Agility.

Metadata Types are used to distinguish between different sources of information. For example, an asset might have "ColorSpace" information as both EXIF and XMP tags and you may wish to store these separately in Agility.

There are six types of metadata supported by the AHFS Metadata Extractor:

  • EXIF—Exchangeable Image File Format, used in image (JPG, PNG, TIFF), audio (WAV) and video (AVI, MOV) formats.
  • FILE—basic information about the asset file.
    The tags available for the FILE type are limited to those listed in the FILE metadata type section.
  • GENERIC—a catch-all type where the type is unknown or unimportant.
    For example, if you didn't need to distinguish between EXIF ColorSpace and XMP ColorSpace, you would use the GENERIC type to map all "ColorSpace" tags to the same Agility attribute definition.
  • IPTC—IPTC Information Interchange Model, used in JPEG, PNG and TIFF image formats.
  • KEYWORD—generated by the Keyword Service defined for the Metadata Extractor process.
  • XMP—Extensible Metadata Platform, that can be embedded in many types of file (GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, WAV, WebP  etc.).

Metadata can be stored in Text, Numeric or Date attributes, as appropriate.

The Agility attribute definitions you use to store metadata may not:

  • be in an attribute set assigned to an object type
  • inherit either values or availability
  • have an associated choice list
  • have an input filter
  • enforce global or within-structure uniqueness
  • require a mandatory value
  • have an auto-number value
  • enforce a maximum number of characters

FILE metadata type

The FILE metadata type is defined in Agility and has a fixed set of metadata tags:

TagData TypeNotes
AssetFileSizeNumericin bytes

General settings

These are the settings for default object types to use when creating asset structures and assets, a default URL for AI keyword generators and the Agility user who owns and administers a provider or hot folder.

The list displays the Global value for each setting and then any override set for the specific configuration. If no override is set then the Global value will be used. The Global values are stored as System Preferences.

Changing any of the System Preferences will affect the Global configuration.

These settings are available on both the Agility Assets and System Preferences screens for convenience.

The General settings for Agility Assets and the corresponding System Preferences that set the Global values are:

SettingSystem PreferenceNotes
Default Asset Object TypeASSET_OBJECT_TYPE_ID [AAM]

The object type to represent an asset file if it has not been identified as a specific Asset Type.

It must be either an Asset or subtype of Asset.

Keyword Provider URLDEFAULT_KEYWORD_PROVIDER_URL [AAM]The URL to use to generate keyword metadata if one is not defined for a specific hot folder.

The user allowed to administer Service Providers, Hot Folders and Processes.

Group Object TypeGROUP_OBJECT_TYPE_ID [AAM]The object type to represent subfolders within a hot folder. It must be a Group or subtype of Group.
Structure Object TypeSTRUCTURE_OBJECT_TYPE_ID [AAM]The object type to represent the hot folder as the root level object of the Assets structure. It must be a Group or subtype of Group.

Gadget Action Menu Items

 Create Agility Assets Configuration...

You cannot create an Agility Assets Configuration. All providers and hot folders always have their own configuration options.

 Edit Agility Assets Configuration...

An alternative to clicking on an Agility Assets configuration's name to open its editor.

 Delete Agility Assets Configuration...

You cannot delete an Agility Assets configuration. The option to configure each provider and hot folder separately must always be available.

 Access Rights...

Administrator users can set the access rights to  Agility Assets configuration for User Groups or individual Users. These access rights apply to Agility Assets configurations in general, not to specific Agility Assets configurations.

  • Add—create new definitions
  • Edit—change existing definitions
  • Remove—remove existing definitions
  • Inherit—use the access rights from the parent group


Clears the Filter field.

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