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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Lists are the main building blocks for the CXO-Cockpit. The lists define how report data is queried and how the data is formatted on the screen. Lists can be used and reused for many purposes like report rows, columns, picklists etc. Lists can be build using any dimension, you can also build lists using a set of dimensions.

The lists in CXO-Cockpit can be reused for multiple reports e.g. a nicely formatted P&L list can be used on the Multi Column Template, but the same list can also be used on the Financial Statement Template. It can be even used as a picklist in the Waterfall Template, although the formatting and empty lines will be ignored then.


Table of Contents

Lists can be used for different purposes, there are different list types. Within some list types new lines can be calculated using the formula editor.

Lists can be created, changed, deleted and copied with the /wiki/spaces/CXO/pages/2806776565.

Type of Lists

When lists are assigned to report parameters they become a certain list type. Each list type has its own specific set of attributes. Click on the list types to read about the purpose and these specific attributes:


A list structure contains multiple levels. A list is based on one or more dimensions, it contains list items and a list item contains list item members for each dimension. This section explains the attributes of each level.


See here an example of the attributes of a list:

Image RemovedImage Added



This read-only attribute contains the number of reports that use this list. By clicking the




The name identifies a list. A list name must be unique at all times.


A list is based on one or more dimensions, click on the square button at the end of field to open the List Dimensions.


Lists can either normal (manual input) or dynamically generated (click on the link for the options) based on a parent member. When a list is dynamically generated, it must be based on one dimension only.

Parent Member

The parent member is required for all dynamically generated lists. You can select the parent members from a list with all members from the selected dimension that have child members.

Current Year Only

This attribute can be used for lists based on the dimensions year and period. When the dynamic period indicators like @@CUR+1 or @@CUR-1 make the year exceed the current year, these members will become automatically invisible.

Times Used

Source SystemsThe source system of the List.
DimensionsA list is based on one or more dimensions, click on the square button at the end of the field , a new window will open showing which reports use this list.

Most used as

The most used as shows how this list has been used most. Depending on the parameters that got assigned this list it will be either: Rows, Columns, Picklist, etcto open the List Dimensions.

List Item

At the list item level you can configure the contents of a list. A list item has a value attribute for each dimension selected at the list level. The value attribute is linked to the ´List Item Member´ level. The value attribute of a specific dimension can contain the following:

  1. Dimension Member
  2. Dimension Variable
  3. For the period and year dimension: Context specific variables like: @@CUR-1, @@CUR+12, etc.

See the screenshot on the right for the examples of the three type of values.

The value attribute is by default blank which is the same as @@CUR. @@CUR means the current dimension member acording to the POV or /wiki/spaces/CXO/pages/2806776312 of the report.

After the dimension value attributes you can find the List Type specific attributes. Read more about these attributes in the following articles: Rows List, Columns List, Pick List, Reference Pick List, Value Tree List, Time Series List

List Item Member

‎For every dimension of the list there is a List Item Member. The member attribute of the list item member is linked to the value attribute of the list item. The list item member level allows you to specify more detail than the List Item level, but in most cases the values can be left to default.


The List Item Member has the following attributes:




Contains the CXO-Cockpit Dimension code. This field is read-only and its contents is defined by the List Dimensions.


The member attribute is the linked to the value attribute of the list item, read about the allowed values in the list item paragraph above.


The description is a read-only attribute that shows show the Member field gets translated. This can be helpful in case of variables or content specific variables like @@CUR-1.

Custom Description

Use this attribute to override the description with a fixed value. This attribute can also contain the SUBSTRING formula like ´=SUBSTRING(0,3)´ (0,3 means from the beginning 3 characters long). This can be very useful for timeseries lists where only the first 3 characters of the period are required.


The name shows the description or the custom description in case it has been filled. The Name attribute will be used for the automatic name generation of the list item.

Drill Dimension

The drill dimension attribute can be used in case the parent List Item is used as Dynamic Drill List. The Drill Dimension attribute indicates on which dimension there should be drilled. The drill Dimension

Insert in Label

This attribute indicates if this member name should be used for the automatic name generation of the list item.

Header Format Override

This attribute can be used for a Columns List. It gives the ability to override the header format for each member individually.


Calculated list items are supported by the following list types:

Read more about calculated items in the Formulas article.

Drill Lists

Rows List items can contain a drilldown list. Drilling down from one list item to another list is only supported in the Financial Statement template, the Multi-Column template and the Home Page template. Read more about this in the Drill List article.