Web View Control
The Web View template can be used to display any content within a CXO Report. Any content that can be shown in a browser, can be displayed using this template as long as the website you are trying to display doesn't have security settings which breaks out of such frames.
This template allows you to show the content of an external website or an intranet site in your report. In addition to that, you can also use static pictures in these reports. If you want to show an external website or an intranet site, you can simply paste the URL into the Value field of the URL parameter.
Web View reports have several settings:
URL - this can be:
Any external website
Any intranet site
Any document on the web-server that can be viewed in the browser.
Hide URL Bar:
Select Yes to hide the URL when displaying the report in the CXO-Software application
Select No to show the URL bar
Paste the URL into the Value field of the URL parameter to show an external website or an intranet site.
Left Footer Text
A text that will appear in the lower left part of the report. This is dynamic label where you can use dimension values like [VAL] or one or more of the listed static indicators.
Creating a Free-Format Report using Web View Control
Log into CXO and access the CXO-Designer to build a new Free Format Report
From the controls on the right, select the Add Control followed by Web View
Arrange the Web View portlet to size as needed
Save and Exit
Upload an HTML File
An HTML upload report is a report based on the Web View Template where the URL bar is not hidden. The user can upload the HTML file directly on the CXO server. This type of report can be used to add non-CXO content to Storyboards. Read more about this in the How do I put a PowerPoint slide or a picture in a Storyboard? article.
Example: Stock Ticker Information in CXO Reports
You can create a sample stock ticker web view portlet, using a free format report, within your CXO Report(s) and/or CXO homepage. This can include your organizations stock ticker, your competitors stock ticker, and/or any stock ticker in general.
To summarize the process to achieve this end result, below is a summarized version of the steps:
Create an HTML file to include the details of the stock tickers
Create a Free-Format Report using a Web View Control
Upload the HTML file to the CXO Application Server
Creating an HTML file to include the details of the stock tickers
Launch Notepad or any text editor on your computer
Paste the following HTML code into Notepad:
<!-- TradingView Widget BEGIN --> <div id="tv-medium-widget-d5a1c"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://d33t3vvu2t2yu5.cloudfront.net/tv.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> new TradingView.MediumWidget({ "container_id": "tv-medium-widget-d5a1c", "symbols": [ [ "Apple", "AAPL" ], [ "Google", "GOOGL" ], [ "Yahoo!", "YHOO" ] ], "gridLineColor": "#E9E9EA", "fontColor": "#83888D", "underLineColor": "#dbeffb", "trendLineColor": "#4bafe9", "width": 1000, "height": 350, "tradeItWidget": false, "locale": "en" }); </script> <!-- TradingView Widget END -->
Save the following document on your computer, by clicking File → Save As → with the following file format: "file_name.html" (Replace file_name with anything that you would like. Do not forget the double quotes around your "file_name.html")
Upload the file on the CXO server
Replace the stock tickers that your organization would like to see within the Stock Portlet. This example uses 3 tickers (many more can be added): Apple*, Google and Yahoo.
*As trading tickets are unique APPL can also be written like NASDAQ:AAPL
Additional Information
Show Microsoft Office Page or Picture in the Web View Template
If you want to show a Word or Excel page or a picture in CXO-Software the procedure is as follows:
Save the Excel or Word document as .html / .htm document or as a Single File Web Page (.mht). For Excel, make sure that you check the 'Selection: Sheet' option when saving. In case of .mht you will be asked to Publish the document. This will enable the use of charts in the Excel sheet; For pictures, save the picture as a .JPG or .PNG file (we recommend to limit the width to 650 pixels)
In the Functional Administrator, make sure that you (initially) set the Hide URL Bar parameter to No
Click Browse...to locate the file (on your local workstation)
Click Upload File: you can now see the document in the Preview Panel
Now the URL parameter must be updated. Since the document gets an encrypted name on the web-server, you can only obtain the right location by right-clicking the Preview Panel and selecting Properties. Copy the Address and paste it in the Value field of the URL parameter;
Change the Hide URL Bar parameter back to Yes
Save the Parameters
Show a different URL for every entity, period, etc.
If you want to show different content for different entities, years and periods, you can enable this by putting the entity, year and period in the point of view. The URL displayed in the website template will be automatically extended with the member names of each POV member.
For example, if otherwise you have a file called backlog.htm, you can put a file backlog_2010_dec.htm in the uploads directory (typically inetpub\wwwroot\cxosoftware\uploads), which will be shown when the year and period in the point of view are set to 2010 and December.
You can also extend this concept with the entity. The filename should then be named backlog_<entity>_<year>_<period>.htm.
Note 1: It is important that in the filename the order is always entity, year and period, even if the dimension settings of these dimensions have a different order
Note 2: The <Entity>, <Year> and <Period> refer to the ID of the member, not to the description. So if the Entity ID is Geographic and the description is Comma Communications, then the file should be named backlog_Geographic_2010_Dec.htm.
Note 3: The Web View template can only work in relation to the entity, year and period dimension, it is currently not possible to show a different picture or HTML file based on other dimensions in the CXO-Software.
See Also
Web View template end-user documentation