Please note that this feature is only available if the right license has been acquired. Contact your Account Manager for more information.
In the Configurator, click on Power BI Settings.
Add Azure Tenant Id, Azure Application ID and Azure Client Secret as defined on the Power BI site and click Save.
Creating a Free-Format Report using Power BI Control
Log into CXO and access the CXO-Designer to build a new Free Format Report
From under CONTROL SETTINGS click + Add Control and select Power BI option.
Under Power BI add the mandatory values for Workspace ID and Report ID. Dataset Id is optional. Specify the user filters under the roles if applicable. Add value specifying the POV(s) to be used under Filter in the following format:
name of the report/name of the filter eq’[PER].Name’ for example:
Separate each filter by adding “and” in case of more than one filter being used.
Export a Power BI report
A power BI report can be exported from CXO by clicking on the export button:
Requirements to embed Power BI content
A tenant-level Microsoft 365 subscription available in two SKU families, EM and P or
Azure Power BI Embedded resource
Export iframe embedding vs Embed token Power BI Reports
Override CXO POV Member Name
If a user wants to use the embedded system matching to override the CXO member name they should include the DisplayName
used in Embedded System Matches in the string. For example:$filter=TestTable/Entity eq 'TestTable.[ENT].Name'
If the user has two tables with the same name in Power BI, they can add a second column in Source System Matches which will have a different DisplayName. For example:
A new column that uses TestTable is added, with
TestTable_2The URL to refer it would be:$filter=TestTable/Entity eq 'TestTable_2.[ENT].Name'