Please note that this feature is only available if the right license has been acquired. Contact your Account Manager for more information.
Power BI with Web View Controls
A web view control is used to embed Power BI report to populate the correct POV based on the selections made in the CXO report. The URL consists of link to the Power BI app, followed by the Power BI report ID, followed by the filter for the name of the table and the dimension that is being used to embed it into CXO, which is equal to the mapping.
The following URL shows how it is used:$filter=TestTable/Entity eq '[ENT].Name', where:
$filter= : Defines the filter
TestTable : Table
Entity: Field
eq : Query operator
[ENT]: Is the member for a dimension defined in a dynamic string replacement
For additional information on creating this URL, please check this documentation:
Override CXO POV Member Name
If a user wants to use the embedded system matching to override the CXO member name they should include the DisplayName
used in Embedded System Matches in the string. For example:$filter=TestTable/Entity eq 'TestTable.[ENT].Name'
If the user has two tables with the same name in Power BI, they can add a second column in Source System Matches which will have a different DisplayName. For example:
A new column that uses TestTable is added, with
TestTable_2The URL to refer it would be:$filter=TestTable/Entity eq 'TestTable_2.[ENT].Name'