Panel |
Column |
| In some cases it is useful to have columns hidden based on the Point of View selection. For example, if your company does not want to compare to the forecast until the month of April has reached (typically because the information in the forecast is not relevant until that month), we recommend to apply custom calculations to hide these columns. In this example, we would use the MEA (measure) dimension to create a custom calculation to apply the logic for hiding the column with WHEN [PER].[PER].CurrentMember.Name = 'Jan' or [PER].[PER].CurrentMember.Name = 'Feb' or [PER].[PER].CurrentMember.Name = 'Mar' THEN NULL ELSE [MEA].[MEA].None] END |
If you apply this measure to the columns of the forecast, these columns will automatically hide when the point of view is set to Jan, Feb or Mar (be aware that dependent on your configuration of your Hyperion system, you will have to use 'Jan' or 'January' etc)