With draft data access, users can select a not final period/year in the point of view. This security restriction is only applied on the Point of View.
How do we select a period as the draft period?
Draft and current period or year are defined in the variables. (Shared Objects > Variables)
note: Draft and Current could contain the same member selection.
How do we define which user is able to see the draft period?
In the security settings, there are two different permission rights that could be enabled for the user.
View Draft Period Data; allows the user to select the draft period/year in the POV.
View Data Beyond Draft Period; allows the user to select any future period/ year in the POV.
Below example visualizes the selection options in the POV for the 3 different user options when the following variables are set to:
@PER_Draft: ‘September’
@PER_Current: ‘August’
No access for ‘Draft data’ | ‘View Draft Period Data’ | ‘View Data Beyond Draft Period’ |
When Draft period or Beyond Draft period is enabled, the initial value when opening a CXO homepage report will be based on the Draft period. In above example, the homepage will open with ‘September’ for user 2 and 3 and will open with ‘August’ for user 1.