Information valid from AMI version 8.0 initial release
The Job Gadget provides functions for viewing, modifying, deleting and running jobs. It has four tabs; 'Browse', 'Running', 'History' and 'Failures'. Note that this gadget is responsive and will resize to fit the available space. It is also possible to pop the gadget so that it fills the whole screen.
Browse tab
From this tab you are able to view all the jobs that you have access to in Agility. You can sort on the name and last edit columns by clicking on the column header. You can further filter on name and date using the input boxes at the tob of the tab. The filter for job name works as a standard filter where you can enter the first few characters of a jobname and jobs matching the filter will be displayed. The 'Filter Last Edit after' requires you to select a date using the date picker and it will then display any jobs that have been modified after this date. Any input value in the filters will be retained if you navigate away from the page and then return. Note that the 'Filter Last Edit' is an optional feature and may be turned off in the gadget configuration.
To clear the date input and remove the datepicker, press CTRL/COMMAND + END keys.
Select a job using the checkbox - it is only possible to select one box at a time. On selection of a job, the options to Edit, Delete or Run the job become available to you. Note that these options are only available from the Browse tab.
Create Job
This dialog allows you to create a new job within an Agility Structure. Note that the fields Job Name, Description and Repository Path are all required fields. Parameters can be added, edited and removed using the Edit/Add/Remove parameter buttons. A separate dialog opens that allows you to easily add or edit a parameter. The location field is a dropdown field that allows you to select an existing folder within the structure given (either in the gadget configuration or if not specified, in the config.json file) to store the job. A folder object id must be specified in the gadget configuration for this feature to work. If the folder object id is not specified, then all jobs will be created within the specified structure.
The Selection tab allows you to specify which selections to add to the job. Checking one of the selections means that when the job is run, the user must select some values for each selection. For example, checking the 'Browse Gadget Selection' will mean that the user must select objects in the browse gadget at run time. The idpath of the selected objects will be used in the job.
The Access Rights tab allows you to modify view access to a particular job per user. Removing view access to a job means that the user will not be able to see the job in the gadget.
On creating a parameter for a job, there are a number of parameter types that can be selected from a dropdown field. If you check the 'hidden' box, this means that the parameter will not be editable by or visible to the user at job run time. The value defined in the job will be the one used when running the job. However some parameter types can not be hidden. It is not necessary to give the parameter a default value if you want the value to be amended by the user at run time.
File Parameters: Note that the value for a file can only be selected at run time, it is not possible to define a file value when creating a job. In the Accept field you can optionally define which file types to select when uploading the file at run time. If you want to select more than one file type, delimit the file types with a comma and do not enter any spaces.
Edit Job
This dialog allows you to modify an existing job within Agility. You can select a different folder location if you want to move the job to a different folder.
Run Job
The Run job dialog displays options that are available using values from the job's configuration attribute. This attribute is defined in the config.json file. You may edit these values using this dialog if you wish to amend them for a new run of the job. Submitting this dialog will run the job using the values input in the form.
Delete Job
Deleting the job will unlink it from the Agility structure and put the job object in the bin. A prompt will ask you to confirm the deletion.
Running tab
This tab shows all currently running jobs that you have access to. You can select the job and stop it from this tab. Only jobs that have a status of 'abortable' can be stopped. A prompt will indicate to you whether the job can not be stopped and ask you to confirm stopping the job in the case where it can be stopped. Once a job is stopped, it will move to the history tab with a status of cancelled. A count of the total amount of Running jobs is displayed within the tab.
History tab
The history tab shows jobs that have run, along with a status (either cancelled or completed) and a start and end time. It is possible to remove entries from this tab by selecting the jobs you want to remove and clicking on the erase icon. This will remove the entries from this tab, but the job itself will not be deleted from Agility. By clicking on the job name in this tab, you can view the job details. That is, the values that were passed to by the job, and the values returned. Any output files can be viewed in the 'Files' tab and are downloaded by clicking on them.
Failures tab
The failures tab shows any jobs that have failed, clicking on the job name will allow you to see the details with a log that should give further information on why the job has failed.