The parameters define the look & feel and behavior of the control.
Basic Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Description |
1. Text | Yes | The content of the (dynamic) label. A label could be a simple text, but can also harbor dimensional information and even data-cells. Example: "The total revenue for [ENT] equals [DATA[1]]" where [ENT] is the currently selected Entity and [DATA[1]] refers to the first data-element of the (optional) list defined at Parameter Data (see below). |
Advanced Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Description |
2. Encode HTML | No | Choose No if you use HTML instead of plain text, otherwise Yes. |
3. Data | No | A list that defines the [DATA[..]] elements of a Label-text (see Text parameter). |
4. External Item Selector | No | An external control that will be used as an item selector for this control. |
5. Format | Yes | A format can be chosen from the /wiki/spaces/CXO/pages/2806776298 list |