User Groups

User Groups


User Groups allows you to give the same permissions to more users within CXO. Both User and User Groups can be set as member of one or more User Groups. In this case they will inherit all permissions from the User Group(s) that they are a member of.  
Only users with 'Admin' permission are allowed to manage User Groups. 


Selecting 'User Groups' from the dropdown under 'Users' in the upper menu, the list of all available User Groups will be opened. The list shows the Name, Description and the Minimal required license to become member of the Group.


At the right side of the screen, you may see all the details of the Group that you will select. Additionally, here, you may click on the Edit button which will open the Edit User Group Screen from where you can change the Main Settings, Permissions, POV Filters, Reports Settings of the Group and the list of users in the group.


You can also filter the list by typing the Name or Description of the List.


The action that can be performed on a User by clicking on the Settings button in front of the Username column is Copy or Delete.

Create new User Group

By clicking on the + New User Group button, you will open the New User Group Window. Here, the Name is the only mandatory field. The other settings are divided into four categories: Main, Permission, POV Filters and Reports.


Main User Attributes are: User Group Name, Description and other User Groups from which the new one will inherit permissions.


In the permissions section the access of the new group could be selected. Select the Show Inherited permissions if you want to see the permissions that the Group will inherit from the User Groups added in the Main Settings. The details can be found in the Permissions article.

POV Filters

The POV Security filters allow you to filter the dimension members that are shown in the POV bar. With this functionality, users from a group can be restricted to see only their own entity, product group, cost center, etc. POV Security filters are assigned to Users and User Groups. Read more in the POV Security filters article. Select the Show Inherited POV limitations to se the POV filters Inherited by the Groups.


Here, you can set which from the reports will be the home report for the users that belong in this group and select which from the reports will be available for these users to see. More details can be found in Reports article.