Create a text column to guide comments
Create a text column to guide comments
It is possible to add textual columns to your reports. These textual comments can be useful to tell the user to enter line item comments or not. In the example above the user is kindly requested to explain why the relative variance between actual and budget is above 10%.
Step-by-step guide
Create a cube calc to display the text. For the example above the following cube calc has been used:
CASE WHEN ISEMPTY([CAT].[CAT].[Budget]) OR [CAT].[CAT].[Budget] = 0 THEN NULL ELSE CASE WHEN ABS(([CAT].[CAT].[Actual]-[CAT].[CAT].[Budget])/[CAT].[CAT].[Budget]*100) > 10 THEN "Please explain why > 10%" END END
- Add this cube calc to an empty column
- Make sure that you do an IsEmpty() check around the denominator, if not the calculation will crash on null lines