Update CXO to version 20.4.??? (or higher)
Install Identity Provider (if not already installed) ===> not for first installation at Gjensidige
Install Oracle EPM Cloud Adapter
Install pre-requisistes: .NET 5.0 runtime => FIND URL
Run installer
Create IIS website for Web API
Identity Provider configuration
Not for first installation at Gjensidige
CXO configuration and source creation
Configure proper license key
Based on the client’s source, generate the right key using the License Key generator: Oracle EPM Planning / Oracle EPM Financial Consolidation and Close.
Path to generator: \\cxo-fileserv\Data\Internal Tools\(not-released) LicenseKeyGenerator for B Licenses (with Oracle Cloud EPM adapter)
Create a new source system in the SSM for the correct source type: Oracle EPM Planning / Oracle EPM Financial Consolidation and Close. This should create:
Fact database
Oracle EPM configuration database
SSAS cube
Configure connection string to configuration database in appsettings.json for CLI/WebApi
Run database migration command on CLI: CXO.Adapter.OracleCloudEpm.Cli.exe migrate-database
(While story for bootstrapping a source in the adapter is not yet done):
Create a source record in the Source table in the configuration database
Create default dimension mapping records in the Dimension Mappings table in the configuration database
Oracle EPM system configuration
Make sure we have an account that we can use to connect from the adapter to the Oracle system
Configure metadata export job
Configure data export job
See sections below for more details
Configure metadata export job
For Gjensidige, there should already be a metadata job defined for the old adapter. We could reuse that, if there are no weird values.
Steps to perform:
Go to Overview screen
2. Go to Dimensions tab, click Export button on the right.
3. On the export metadata screen you will see the existing CXO job, might be others as well.
a. Review existing job, if there are no weird values we can reuse it. (all delimiters should be same)
b. If needed, create new job. See two screenshots below
Configure data export job
For Gjensidige there will not be a data job yet, so it needs to be created.
Go to the Overview screen
Choose Export Data in the dropdown on the right side of the screen
Create a new data job
Specify the following values:
Location: Outbox
Pick right cube
Choose a delimiter, comma is fine
Smart Lists are not used currently
Dynamic Members: Exclude (<==== still reviewing this one)
Decimals: none (or discuss with Gjensidige
Slice definition: take Account on rows, Period on columns, set default slice values for all dimensions incl. POV. Note: this configuration will not be used in the actual data extraction, as it will be input to the job API call.
Oracle EPM adapter configuration
For Gjensidige: Check the old PBCS configuration for connection info, dimension mappings etc.
Set up connection information (see old PBCS)
Map the Oracle dimensions to CXO dimensions (see old PBCS)
Set default properties for metadata extraction: delimiters, job name, aliases
Configure data extraction settings
Set default properties: delimiters, job name
Set file structure, matching the configuration in the Oracle EPM system
Put it in the database in Source table: row, then column, then POV in order
Set data filters
1 member expression per mapped dimension in DataFilters table, excluding period, year and scenario
Run metadata extraction
Review hierarchies, add metadata filters for members that should be excluded from extraction
Run data extraction
Process cube from SQL Server Management Studio