The Maintenance section of the Configurator lists local services and common actions:
By using this menu the users can stop/restart Export Service (e.g. if printing fails) and Agent Service.
The Common Actions menu is mainly used by CXO-Cockpit support team to administer the upgrades of the CXO-Cokpit. This menu inclused the following actions:
- Change master data base command allows to connect the application to another database or to create a new master database. Master database represents a database on SQL server. It contains global features and links on CXO-Cockpit applications. Every CXO-Cockpit installation has one Master Database. You might need to change the Master Database if the SQL server has been moved to a different location. When you choose Change master database command, CXO-Cockpit Installation Wizard will be opened:
In Database Selection section you can specify the connection to the required database.
In case database upgrade is required, specify SQL server backup settings in Database Upgrade section:
The License key details will appear in Lisence Key section:
Once you press Next and Finish, a new master database connection will be set up.
- Create a backup - ensures that the backup of the application is created before it is uninstalled
- Uninstall CXO-Cockpit - performs unistallation of the CXO-Cockpit before the upgraded version is installed
- Restore configuration files - ensures that the config files are restored from the created backup
- Upgrade config files - allows to make the configuration files up to date (e.g. if previously the config files were replaced in a wrong way while upgrading the application)