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| Many Hyperion Financial Management and Hyperion Enterprise applications contain Actuals at various rates, typically Actual, Budget and sometimes even Last Year rate. The background is that for management reporting purposes some companies prefer to compare actuals to budget or actuals to last year excluding the effect of exchange rates. In the CXO-Cockpit, we have the Rate [RAT] dimension, which is typically used for this purpose. In order to set it up in a user friendly way, you need to do something extra. By default, if you put the rate dimension in the CXO-Cockpit and switch to e.g. Actualrate, then not only the Actuals, but also the Budget will be show at Actual rate. Since you only want to apply this dimension to the Actuals category, we recommend the following actions: 1. Map your data to specific rates For example, to ActualRate (description: Actual Rate) and DefaultRate (description: Budget Rate) 2. Create a custom member CXO_ActualRate for the [RAT] dimension WHEN [CAT].[CAT].CurrentMember.Name='Actual' |
THEN [RAT].[RAT].ActualRate
ELSE [RAT].[RAT].DefaultRate
Note that it is not necessary to create a custom member for the Budget rate if that is the default.
3. In the security, make sure that only the custom RAT member CXO_Actualrate and the Defaultrate are included in the Point of View.