Update Symbol Names, Symbol Attributes and Dimension Description which are yet to be configured.
For Longview plan and close, the time period dimension is by default mapped to the other three dimensions, Year, Period, and View. To add a 4th dimension (usually category) run the following query:
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update DimensionMapping
set LVDimensionName = 'TimePer'
where LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id
and CxoDimension = 'CAT' |
Update Symbol Names, Symbol Attributes and Dimension Description which are yet to be configured.
Note: Depending on the Longview installation and configuration TimePer could be named under a different identifier. Other names could be ‘Timeper’, ‘TIMEPER’, ‘Timeperiods’. to check this name, run the following query:
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select LVDimensionName
from DimensionMapping
LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id
and CxoDimension in ('YER', 'PER', 'VIW')
group by LVDimensionName |
Remove a Dimension Mapping
To remove a dimension mapping from a Longview dimension to a CXO dimension, run the following query with correct values for LVSourceConfigurationId and CxoDimension (run QUERY 3).
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declare @lv_source_configuration_id uniqueidentifier = 'LV SOURCE CONFIGURATION ID HERE'; declare @cxo_dimension varchar(50) = 'CXO DIMENSION HERE'; declare @lv_dimension_name varchar(255) = ( select LVDimensionName from DimensionMapping where LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id and CxoDimension = @cxo_dimension ); update DimensionMapping set LVDimensionName = NULL where LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id and CxoDimension = @cxo_dimension delete from LVDimensionsExtractionConfiguration where LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id and DimensionName = @lv_dimension_name |
To update symbol names, symbol attributes and dimension description for a LV dimension, run the following query with the correct LVSourceConfigurationId and DimensionName (run QUERY 4).
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update LVDimensionsExtractionConfiguration set SymbolNames = '...', SymbolAttributes = '...', DimensionDescription = '...' where LVSourceConfigurationId = 'LV SOURCE CONFIGURATION ID HERE' and DimensionName = 'DIMENSION NAME HERE' |
To create a new member attribute mapping for a specific dimension, run the following query with the correct DimensionMappingId (run QUERY 5).
Code Block |
insert into MemberAttributeMapping (Id, DimensionMappingId, CxoMemberAttribute, SymbolAttribute) values ( newid(), 'DIMENSION MAPPING ID HERE', 'CXO MEMBER ATTRIBUTE HERE', 'SYMBOL ATTRIBUTE HERE') |
To remove an existing member attribute mapping, run the following query with the correct DimensionMappingId and SymbolAttribute (run QUERY 5).
QUERY 1011
Code Block | ||
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delete from MemberAttributeMapping where DimensionMappingId = 'DIMENSION MAPPING ID HERE' and SymbolAttribute = 'SYMBOL ATTRIBUTE HERE' |