Configure proper license key
Based on the client’s source, generate the right key using the License Key generator: Oracle EPM Planning / Oracle EPM Financial Consolidation and Close.
Path to generator: \\cxo-fileserv\Data\Internal Tools\(not-released) LicenseKeyGenerator for B Licenses (with Oracle Cloud EPM adapter)
Create a new source system in the SSM for the correct source type: Oracle EPM Planning / Oracle EPM Financial Consolidation and Close. This should create:
Fact database
SSAS cube
Run configuration database creation command:
.\CXO.Adapter.OracleCloudEpm.Cli.exe create-configuration-db server-name:[SERVER] database-name:[CONFIGURATION_DATABASE] authentication-type:[WINDOWS]
Parameters:server-name: name of the server on which the database should be created
database-name: name of the database to be created
authentication-type: windows / proprietary
username: SQL user name (if authentication-type == proprietary)
password: SQL user password (if authentication-type == proprietary)
See CXO.Adapter.OracleCloudEpm.Cli.exe help for detailed description of the command
Run set-authentication-settings command:
TODO: Add example
e.g. .\CXO.Adapter.OracleCloudEpm.Cli.exe set-authentication-settings idp-authority:https://cxoUrl/idp idp-client-id:clientId idp-client-secret:secret
See CXO.Adapter.OracleCloudEpm.Cli.exe help for detailed description of the command
Run create-source-in-adapter command
TODO add example
e.g. .\CXO.Adapter.OracleCloudEpm.Cli.exe create-source-in-adapter source-type:pbcs source-name:source factdb-name:factdb-name factdb-server:factdb-server factdb-authentication-type:1 ssas-server-name:ssas-server-name ssas-database-name:ssas-database-name ssas-cube-name:ssas-cube-name
Important: The name of the source should be the same as name of the source in CXO
See CXO.Adapter.OracleCloudEpm.Cli.exe help for detailed description of the command
Restart IIS Application Pool for Oracle EPM Adapter