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Table controls can be used as object on in the Free Format Template. If you want to determine a table with a flexible number of columns and rows then, we recommend you to use the table control.

A table control can also be used to define a Multi Source Report.


Table of Contents


The report parameters define the look & feel and behavior of a report. On the screenshot below you can see the parameters numbers. These numbers refer to the parameters as displayed in the Basic Parameters and Advanced Parameters table. Next to basic and advanced parameters there are also /wiki/spaces/CXO/pages/2806776440

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Basic Parameters





1. RowsMandatoryThis list defines the rows the report. This list influences most of the look and feel of the report. All list formatting options are supported.Yes
2. ColumnsMandatoryA list of items that will be used as columns in the report. Each item can be a combination of members from the dimensions associated with the list (usually Category, Year and/or Period).Yes

Advanced Parameters





3. Title

Not Mandatory

Defines the table title



4. Default Selected RowNot Mandatory

Indicates the Row from the List that will be selected / highlighted upon opening of the report



5. External Item SelectorNot Mandatory

An external control that will be used as an item selector for this control



6. Item Selector

Not Mandatory

A list of items that will be used as a Pick List in the report. Each item can be a combination of members from the dimensions associated with the list. Usually, the Account dimension is used.



7. Default Selected ItemNot Mandatory

Indicates the /wiki/spaces/CXO/pages/2806776443 from the List that will be selected / highlighted upon opening of the report



8. Merge Column Headers


If Yes: Column-headers with common dimension members will be merged (from left to right)



9. Fixed HeadersNot Mandatory

When the report exceeds the available space on the screen, freeze either the Column headers so that when the user scrolls down the page the Column headers are maintained so that they can be read properly. When freezing rows they will only be frozen when the row member description is in column 0 ( see Member Description Position below) This is the same as in a Multi Column report How can I fix the headers?



10. Maximum Label Column-WidthMandatory

Maximum number of pixels reserved for the column with member-descriptions.



11. Member Description Position


Determines the column-position of the dimension member-descriptions. 0 means that the descriptions are at the leftmost position.



12. Variance Threshold


Threshold value for the Variance (e.g., Actual vs. Budget). If the Variance is less than this Threshold, then a neutral variance color is used (Orange). Otherwise Red (indicating an unfavorable variance) or Green (favorable variance) is used. Use e.g. -200;300 for an absolute threshold or -10%;20% for a relative threshold



13. ScaleMandatory

This defines the /wiki/spaces/CXO/pages/2806776400 used in the report. It can be overruled by the scaling in the List.



14. PrecisionMandatory

Defines the number of decimals used for presenting the number. Options are 0-6. Similar to the Scale setting, The Precision setting is the default for all data in the report, but can be overruled by a specific (not -1) precision in the List.



15. Variance StyleMandatory

The variance style has the following options: Background, Bar, Border, Box, Font, None, TrafficLight, TrendArrow



16. Replace Blanks By

Not Mandatory

A character or a string which will be put instead of the missing value.



17. Use Inline DrillMandatory

Select Yes if you want to enable Inline Drill



18. Exclude From MergeNot Mandatory

Please specify the dimensions which should be excluded from the column merge in case of using the Multi LAyer algorithm. The dimensions should be specified as the list of semicolumn delimited values (e.g. "ENR;ACC;YER")



19. Text AppearanceNot Mandatory

Select an option to respectively select it's font-size and padding.



20. Allow POV ChangeMandatory

Specify if you want to allow the clicks in the table to change the POV. This setting will be ignored if you don't enable the clickable charts or rows
