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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
titleCalculated Members - What to do if I cannot find my calculated member in the Viewer

For performance reasons, CXO-Viewer caches meta-data on dimensions. This cache should be refreshed as soon as meta-data has been changed. A refresh of the cache can be forced by putting the string “&refresh=true” at the end of the url.

For example:




This is a one time action and it is even sufficient that one user (e.g., the admin user) performs this action.

titleCXO-Cockpit Print Server - How should I configure it

In order to configure CXO-Cockpit Print Server you need to go to the folder where it is installed and open the file called CXO.Cockpit.WindowsServices.StoryBoardGenerator.exe.config.


First you need to specify which applications should be handled by the current instance of the CXO-Cockpit Print Server.

Find a section called ConnectionStrings and add new applications. Keep in mind that the <clear /> statement should stay in there. Te easiest way to find an appropriate connection string for you application is to copy it from the Web.config file of your website.

Finally the ConnectionString section should look like this:


  <clear />
  <add name="GAPConnectionString_prod" connectionString="Data Source=SQLSERVERINSTANCE;Initial Catalog=cxo_repository_prod;Integrated Security=False;user=SQLUSER;password=ENCRYPTEDSQLPASSWORD" />



Navigate through the file and find a section called appSettings. It is not recommended to change all of this settings but you probably need to change the following:Configuration

  • FileStoreLocation - the folder where the CXO-Cockpit Print Server will store all generated files
  • CXOViewerUrl - the URL of the CXO-Viewer in your current setup
  • RenderingEngine - the rendering engine which will be used for creating an export. Can be IE (Internet Explorer) or FF (Firefox)

In most of the cases the following configuration will work:


<add key="FileStoreLocation" value="C:\Program Files\CXO Solutions\CXO-Cockpit\Storyboard Export Service\files\" />
<add key="CXOViewerUrl" value="http://localhost/CXOViewer/" />
<add key="RenderingEngine" value="FF" />



titleFinancial Statement - How can I manage the breakdown dimensions in the report

CXO-Cockpit is closely integrated with your source system and retrieves from your source system which analytical dimensions have a relation to the selected account.

You would normally see no analytical dimensions that have no relation with the selected account.

In order to open the report with the most relevant analytical dimension you can set the ´Default Breakdown Dimension´ parameter.

As of 4.3.2 release there is an option to display account breakdown in Member Detail Control of the Financial Statement report. If Account dimension is one of the report breakdown dimensions, the sub-accounts of the selected account will be displayed according to their hierarchy in the right bottom pane of the report:

See Also

Financial Statement Template


titleIs there any way to use security filters to show multiple hierarchies in the POV selection box

Yes, it is possible to add multiple hierarchies to the POV selection box without adding all the hierarchies.

In the Point of View Security Filters you can add multiple parents like in this example:

In the CXO-Cockpit website it would look like this:

It is also possible to add parents from different levels.

titleMulti-Column - How can I add a row with just text (label) and no numbers

A label row can be easily created using an empty row and a custom description.

Take the following steps to get a label row:

  1. Add a new row to your report and give it the right order
  2. Set the ´Empty´ attribute to: yes
  3. Set the desired text to the ´Custom Description´ field
  4. Set the right format to the row item

See Also

Multi-Column Template

titleMulti-Column - How can I fix the headers

If you have a report with a long list of data in columns or in rows, which does not fit on one page, you can fix (freeze) the headers of the report. This makes it easier to navigate across the big volume of the report and allows a user to see the lowest row of the report together with the applicable column.

To freeze the headers, take the following steps: 
1. In Advanced Report Parameters select Fixed Headers 
2. Set the value to FixedColumnHeaders if you want to fix the columns or FixedRowAndColumnHeaders if you want to fix both rows and columns
3. Save the edited parameter

Image Added

See Also

Multi-Column Template

titleMy numbers seem wrong or absent, could that have to do with my security filters

When certain dimension members are filtered for certain user groups, they can still be selected in the Report Dimensions in the Design Studio.

Note that when the report is used by these users the numbers may seem wrong or absent. This is caused by the fact that the first available (non filtered) member of the dimension is used.

titleThe AVGR and SUMR values do not show the right averages and sums

The AVGR and SUMR functions calculates the averages respectively the sum of a range of items in a list, with one exception: when an item is set to invisible, it is not included in the AVGR or SUMR total.

So in the case that the AVGR or SUMR function does not show the correct total, please check the visible settings of the rows included in the range.

titleThe SUMR function does not include invisible members in a list. How can I include invisible members in a list

It is correct that the SUMR function does not include invisible members in a list. The solution is to use the SUM function and include all of the individual members.
For example, if you have SUMR(5,8) and line 6 is invisible, the SUMR function will add 5,7 and 8, but leave 6 out. The solution is to use SUM(5,6,7,8).

titleWhat to do in case of error - The identity of application pool 'CXOcockpit' is invalid

When you receive this error message, this is usually caused by an expired or disable password of the web application pool CXO-Cockpit. To check the username of the web application pool, go to Internet Information Services on the CXO-Cockpit server, open the web application pool properties of cxocockpit and go to the identity tab. Check the status of the password of the username shown in this tab and recycle the application pool

titleWhy do I get errors and or empty results on formulas?

When the CXO Cockpit Web Client returns errors or other unexpected results on formula rows or formula columns, the following could be the cause:

  • The regional settings of the OLAP server are different then on the Internet Information Server (IIIS).

The regional settings of the service account of both the OLAP Server and IIS should be exactly the same. Please check with you Systems Administrator to verify this.



If you are a CXO-Cockpit end-user:

If you are the CXO-Cockpit Captain or consultant:

Log a support case

If your question is not solved by checking out the resources as described above, then please follow the following steps to get support:

  1. If you do not have the What is the role of the CXO-Cockpit Captain role in your organization, then contact the CXO-Cockpit Captain within your organization.
  2. If you are the CXO-Cockpit Captain and you did not find your answer in the FAQ section, then send an email to with the following information:
    1. Version of CXO-Cockpit
    2. Explanation of the issue
    3. Screenshot of the issue
    4. Any relevant log files (e.g. MDX Log or print server log)