<httpCookies ... requireSSL="true" />
< </system.web>
Enable SameSite flag
To enable the SameSite flag Settingon cookies the Web.config needs to be extended with a rewrite rule. To be able to use rewriting within IIS, the URL Rewrite component needs to be installed. More information can be found here: IIS Rewrite module.
After this component is installed, add the following configuration to the system.webServer section.
<rule name="Add SameSite" preCondition="No SameSite">
<match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Set_Cookie" pattern=".*" negate="false" />
<action type="Rewrite" value="{R:0}; SameSite=strict" />
<preCondition name="No SameSite">
<add input="{RESPONSE_Set_Cookie}" pattern="." />
<add input="{RESPONSE_Set_Cookie}" pattern="; SameSite=strict" negate="true" />