You can add an Incremental Load Set by pressing the '+' button and then Edit the name of the Load Set. By definition, each Load Set added to the Base is considered to be an Incremental Load Set. Note that an Incremental Load Set cannot be split into Subsets anymore.
System Variables
In the application_variables table of the cxo_hfmexpressstaging_... database a number of settings is stored that determine some aspects of the process of data-extraction and dimension build-up. Some values in this table can be changed by IT and / or the Dba
Before changing anything in this table:
- Never change any cell of the av_name column
- Do not change any of the grey-marked cells at all
- Strictly follow the description below
1 = True
0 = False
To run an incremental extraction, select the Incremental Load Set and press 'Extract'.
Real-time synchronization
An Incremental Load Set can also be synchronized with a fixed interval. First Enable the Synchronization by checking the box:
Then set the required synchronization interval. Press Save to save the settings.
To start the Real Time Synchronization press the 'Synchronize' button. The system will now check each time-interval if something has changed within HFM (given the dimension context of the Load Set) and automatically retrieve the updated data. The cube (a special incremental partition) will be processed automatically.
System Variables
In table application_variables table of the cxo_hfmexpressstaging_... database a number of settings is stored that determine some aspects of the process of data-extraction and dimension build-up.
Some values in this table can be changed by IT and / or the Dba
Before changing anything in this table:
- It is advised to only change an application_variable if there is a very good reason for that
- Never change any cell of the av_name column
- Strictly follow the description below
- Don't touch the application_variable fields that are not listed below (ask the CXO team for their meaning).
Name | Description and options | Possible values | |
FilterSourceData | To get the raw data from HFM, queries are constructed that get the data and dimension information from the right tables of the HFM database. If FilterSourceData is set to 0, we only apply a simple filter for including or excluding ICP details, but no filter for the Entities. Entities are then filtered once the raw data is stored in the CXO staging database. When FilterSourceData = 1 then we explicitly filter by Entity already within the raw-data query (WHERE EntityId in ....). In general, if more than ~30% of the entities is selected for inclusion ion CXO it is better to set FilterSourceData = 0 because the huge WHERE clause will slow-down the query. If less than ~30% is to be included then set FilterSourceData = 1. | 1 = True 0 = False | |
IncludeInputValues | When set to 0, the Value-dimension (stored in the CXO GAP dimension will be flat: When set to 1, the original hierarchy will be retained: Only set IncludeInputValues = 1 if you need the Adjs detail | 1 = True 0 = False | |
PreAggregateAccounts | As explained earlier, selections from the Account Dimension are usually done on a high level (the root node, or a PreAggregateAccounts | As explained earlier, selections from the Account Dimension are usually done on a high level (the root node, or a few levels lower). All descendants of a selected node are then selected as well. A potential danger of this approach is that complete substructures might be repeated while you don't see them in your selection. For example, a node like NetProfit can have a lot of descendants and each time this node is used in other KPI's potentially all these descendants are duplicated as well, resulting in a lot of duplicate fact records in the cube: By setting PreAggregateAccounts = 1 we will pre-aggregate the 2nd occurrence of NetProfit and give it the name ...NetProfit: From a data point of view, NetProfit and ...NetProfit are 100% equal. However, drilling into the Descendants of ...NetProfit is not possible. The advantage of this approach is that it keeps the Account dimension smal(ler) and it generates less records in the cube. The disadvantage is that if you drill into e.g. OtherInfo you will never reach members like InterestInc(Exp). | 1 = True 0 = False |
StoreParentEntity | When set to 1 the entity-names will always be stored as a combination of parent.child: This variable must be set to 1 when the value [Contribution Total] is selected and the Entity selection contains duplicates. Note that if you change this setting, entity lists already created in CXO might get invalid. | 1 = True 0 = False | UseCustomRollupForAccounts | Technical setting. Set to 0. | UseCustomRollupForCustomDimensions | Technical setting. Set to 0. | WYSIWYGModeForCustomDimensions | 0 = do not apply to any custom dimension Comma separated list of Custom dimensions you want to see in WYSIWYG mode (e.g., 1,3,4,7) | WYSIWYGModeForAccountDimension | See WYSIWYGModeForCustomDimensions (and the description of the Account dimension) |
Technical preparations
-- create CC_PERIOD table
[Contribution Total]
-- when StoreParentEntity = 0 and each entity appears only once → [Contribution Total] just acts as any other Value (GAP)
WYSIWYGModeForCustomDimensions | As mentioned above, Custom dimensions (A01, A02, ... in CXO Cockpit) can be generated in two ways.
| 0 = do not apply to any custom dimension Comma separated list of Custom dimensions you want to see in WYSIWYG mode (e.g., 1,3,4,7) Recommended value: 0 |
WYSIWYGModeForAccountDimension | See WYSIWYGModeForCustomDimensions (and the description of the Account dimension) | Recommended value: 0 |
SynchronizeStoreDeltas | New parameter since 6.2. This should always get value 1 (True). This is the default value for version 6.3.2. For older versions it should be set to 1 manually. Setting this parameter to 1 ensures a faster real-time synchronization, especially for the initial steps. | Recommended value: 1 |
UnaryOperatorsInAccountDimension | New parameter since 6.2. It is highly recommended to set this to value 0 (False). This is the default value for version 6.3.2. For older versions it should be set to 0 manually. When set to False, this parameter ignores the Unary Operator field of the Account dimension in CXO. That means that all numbers are always rolled up with a '+' in the parent accounts. During the extraction process 'Negative' accounts are multiplied by -1 to ensure correct values for the parent accounts. Omitting Unary Operators makes the dimension faster (from an MDX perspective). The only reason to set / keep this parameter to 1 is when in the HFM chart of accounts members of type FLOW are accumulated in parent members with type EXPENSE. For versions lower than 6.3.2, setting/keeping this parameter to False (0) must be accompanied by removing the following (yellow marked) tag from the XMLA definition of the Account dimension (ACC) (right-click the dimension, select script dimension as / alter / to new query window and press F5 after removal): For version 6.3.2 or higher this is not needed | Recommended value: 0 |
UnaryOperatorsInEntityDimension | New parameter since 6.2. It is highly recommended to set this to value 0 (False). This is the default value for version 6.3.2. For older versions it should be set to 0 manually. Like with Accounts, when set to False we ignore the Unary Operator of the Entity Dimensions and do a simple roll-up of Entities in their parents. In cases where this will lead to a wrong value on parent-level, we put a compensation value on the parent entity. This is also done to speed up the query times. For versions lower than 6.3.2, setting/keeping this parameter to False (0) must be accompanied by removing the following (yellow marked) tag from the XMLA definition of the Entity dimension (ENT) (right-click the dimension, select script dimension as / alter // to new query window and press F5 after removal): For version 6.3.2 or higher this is not needed. | Recommended value: 0 |
Cube Calculations
The following Cube-calculations are required for the proper calculation of YTD and Periodic views.
These Cube-calculations should replace the existing definitions of YTD and Periodic. For new applications YTD and Periodic can be defined as embedded Cube-calculations in the Cube. For existing applications this depends:
- If YTD / Periodic are defined as Cube-calculations in the Repository (i.e. maintained via the Designer) then you are obliged to do this again;
- Otherwise, replace the exisiting definition of YTD / Periodic within the cube.
case when [ACC].[ACC].CurrentMember.Properties('Rate')
then 1
else -1
[ACC].[ACC].CurrentMember.Properties('Sec Class')
when [ACC].[ACC].CurrentMember.Properties('Is ICP')
then SUM([ACC].[ACC].CurrentMember.Children,[VIW].[VIW].[YTD_vsFlow])
else SUM([ACC].[ACC].CurrentMember.Children,[VIW].[VIW].[YTD_vsBalance])
IsEmpty (LookupCube("XchgRate","(" + MemberToStr([CAT].[CAT].CurrentMember) + ", " + MemberToStr([YER].[YER].CurrentMember) + ", " + MemberToStr([PER].[PER].CurrentMember) + ")"))
CASE WHEN [ACC].[ACC].CurrentMember.Properties('Is ICP')
[VIW].[VIW].[YTD]-([VIW].[VIW].[YTD], [PER].[PER].PrevMember)
Note that the condition 'IsEmpty...' can also be replaced by the condition that is currently in use to prevent Periodic calculations in periods beyond the last period of a category
The following 'helper' cube-calcs must be defined as embedded cube-calcs
[ACC].[ACC].CurrentMember.Properties('Is ICP')
THEN [VIW].[VIW].[YTD_Input]
[ACC].[ACC].CurrentMember.Properties('Is ICP')
THEN -[VIW].[VIW].[YTD_Input]