In the comment-area you can see an alternative calendar: only a Quarter level and the months abbreviated to 3 characters. Of course, you are free to change the layout, for example to accomodate a broken fiscal year.
There are a few rules attached to this script:
accommodate a broken fiscal year.
To create the right calendar, check the structure of the Period dimension in the HFM application. For example, for the COMMA application it is:
There are a few rules attached to this script:
- The Period ID should be a continuous series 1, 2, 3, ...
- The Parent ID for the root level (Year) is always -1. For the other members it should define the hierarchy (e.g., all months in Quarter 1 have Parent ID = 4)
- The Frequency for the Year level is always 2, and for each additional level the frequency increases by 1. That's why the Frequency for the months is 5 for a layout that includes a Half Year level and 4 for a layout with Quarters only.
- The Unit of Time: Y = year, H = Half Year, T = Trimester, Q = Quarter, M = Month, W = Week, D = Day.
Note that creation of the calendar is a one-time action and does not require any maintenance.
Load Sets
The Load Sets determine the combination of Scenarios, Years and Periods that will be extracted from HFM.
A Base Load Set (type 1) looks like:
A Base Load Set can have several Subsets. During an extraction these Subsets will be executed sequentially in the order in which they are entered. Each Subset has its own combination of Scenario(s), Year(s) and Periods. Since they are all done within one data-extraction action they should not overlap.
Let's add another Subset named CurAct (the actuals for current year):
Press Press the '+' and then rename the Subset in the Edit box: Then press Save:
Now for this Subset we select Scenario = Actual, Year = 2007 and Period = Jan, Feb:
This perfectly illustrates why Subsets are useful: for 2007 we are only interested in two months (February being the current reporting month), while for 2006 (the history) we want all periods.
We also make a special Subset for the Budget scenario: two full years:
Other HFM dimensions
To complete a Base Load Set we must also select at least one member from each of the other HFM dimensions.
Note that - opposite to the older adapter versions - the HFM Value dimension is not stored in the CXO VAL dimenson the VAL dimension of CXO anymore but in the CXO GAP dimension. The reason is that the VAL dimension is a flat dimension not allowing parent-child structures. This should be kept in mind in migrations.