Allow to create Ranking Lists in an easier way, providing it as a specific list type.
- Select Ranking/ List dimension - e.g. Entity dimension
- Select Parent member - e.g. Geographical
- Select Children level - e.g. Base excl.
- Select number of items to show, i.e. show only top ranking
- Allow to add automatically total and other
Example of MDX Ranking List
Ranking improvements can be found here: Ranking List: Improvements
Functional Requirements
The following table shows how the overall user story is subdivided into smaller sub user stories, which are detailed below.
1 | Ease Ranking List creation | As a Report Admin I want to be eased in Ranking List creation in order not to be required to know well MDX to generate them |
*) MoSCoW = Must have, Should have, Could have, and Would like but won't get.
Sub User Stories
1.1 | Allow to create a List of type 'Ranking' | Image Added | - In the New List popup (from all contexts, i.e. from shared list, new report list,..)
- In 'List Type' dropdown
- Add a new option, i.e. "Ranking"
- Place the new option BEFORE Consolidated, Match
- Ranking Lists are Dynamic Lists:
- when used for a control, their properties in the Contents Panel can be managed only through Rules
1.2 | Select Dimension | Image Added | - Selecting 'Ranking', as standard, the user will need first to select the dimension to use
- It is NOT possible to select dimensions from more Source Systems, in case the user makes it show the standard error message
1.3 | Select Items to Rank | Image Added | - Once the user selects a dimension he will be required to set
- For each Dimension:
- a Parent Item:
- standard dropdown to select a dimension's item
- by default = "@@curr"
- a Children Level
- dropdown allowing to select which level of children under the parent member to consider
- by default = "Base members"
- Number of items to show:
- allow to set the number of items to show (i.e. only the top 'x' ranking items will appear in the list)
- dropdown with fixed options, by default 10
- Include Also
- Total: checkbox, unselected by default
- Other: checkbox, unselected by default
- Criteria
- single selection button
- 2 options:
- Top to Bottom (selected by default)
- Bottom to Top
- List preview (on the right):
- show the members of the selected level under parent member (similarly as for dynamic lists)
- show max x items, as set in "Number of items to show"
- in preview items will NOT be ranked but appear in standard order as for dynamic lists
- (nice to have) Add a note in the preview panel to inform the user that the ranking will happen in the report, e.g. "The list will be ranked in the report"
Image Added
1.4 | More Dimensions | Image Added | - If more dimensions are selected:
- A row will appear for each dimension allowing to select a parent member and a Children Level
1.5 | Select Children Level | Image Added | - Options as Children Level
- First Children Level
- Second Children Level
- Third Children Level
- Base members (selected by default)
1.6 | "Total" option | Image Added | - When 'Total' is selected:
- An additional item will be added at the end of the list, as last list item, i.e. total
- Total will show the sum of all the ranked items showed in the list
- The total will be formatted in bold with line above (same as with descendants incl list)
- It must be possible to overwrite this default standard format of the total item through the list rules
- Item Label for Total:
- If total is selected but 'Other' is not selected, the label of Total Item will be 'Total'
- View next step for the case when 'Other' is selected
- It should be possible to overwrite the item label for 'Total' item through the list rules
1.7 | "Other" option | Image Added | - When 'Other' is selected:
- after the ranked items, an additional item will appear: "other"
- other appears just before total, if selected
- other will show the sum of all the ranked items which do not appear in the list as with ranking order > number of items to show
e.g. "number of items to show = 10" then the list will show- first the top 10 ranking items, e.g. top selling countries
- then 'Other', which is the Total - Sum of all the (visible) ranked items
- It should be possible to overwrite the item label for 'Other' item through the list rules
- Other and Total are independent options
- When both other and Total are selected:
- The value of total will be calculated including both the top ranking items and "other", e.g.
- top sellling countries 1..10
- other (= rest of the world)
- total (= all the world)
- The item label for Total will be = Parent Member Label
1.8 | Ranking Criteria | Image Added | - It is possible to use ranking list in any control, for any settings where list are supported. No validation is planned for the moment (unless special cases emerge during development)
- The Ranking List will get the values by which it will be ranked by the control and report context, i.e. in the order:
- Selected item (if the control where it is used listen to another control, e.g. an item selector, a table,..
- POV selection
- Report Settings
- If the user changes the selected item / POV the ranking list will be automatically recalculated
Technical Requirements
Audit Trail
Changes to database schema and migration
Changes to domain model
Changes to components
Changes to target infrastructure or platform
Non-functional requirements
The following table show the important technical decisions made during the design of this user story.