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This code-snippet would will automatically synchronize the applications and users from the two input json files.


Speed of executionSynchronizing users takes too much time

The time it takes to synchronize the users (i.e. run the command line) is proportional to the number of users in your CXO applications.


  • Run the command line interface more often to make sure not too many users are added / removed.

  • In the web application configuration (web.config file), in httpRuntime, the executionTimeout value can be increased

Synchronization fails due to DbUpdateConcurrencyException


  • Retry

  • Make sure the user synchronization runs at a time where CXO is not in use.

  • Pause the CXO services before running the synchronization.

To pause the agent service you have CXO services there are two options:

  1. Stop


  1. them programmatically while the user synchronization is ongoing (refer to the code snippet below).

Code Block
Stop-Service -Name "CXO-Cockpit Agent"
Stop-Service -Name "CXO-Cockpit Export Service"
<run synchronizatiob>
Stop-Service -Name "CXO-Cockpit Agent"
Stop-Service -Name "CXO-Cockpit Export Service"

2. Adjust active periods of CXO service using Configurator

  1. Open the configurator>configuration>schedule.xmMake sure Configurator > Configuration > Schedule.xml

  2. Edit the cron-expression of the following jobs do so that they are not run while the user synchronization is in progressongoing: UnreadConversationMessagesNotificationJob, EmailJob, screenShotsJob, CleanUpJobEdit the Cron expression of the job’s trigger:

    You can use a CRON expression editor: to define a period when the services will not be running.
    See example below how to pause it between 2 AM and 4 AM

  3. Leave time for export jobs to complete before the user synchronization begins
