Versions Compared


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Note that we will not extract 'XXX Total' itselfitself (in CXO simply called 'XXX'): always the underlying 'XXX' (in CXO represented as 'XXX Input') and 'XXX Adjs' members are extracted. In the example of 'USD Total', in CXO we will see:


Note that - opposite to the older adapter versions - the HFM Value dimension is not stored in the VAL dimension of CXO anymore but in the GAP dimension. The reason is that the VAL dimension is a flat dimension not allowing parent-child structures. This should be kept in mind in migrations.



Avoid selecting [Contribution Total]

If you do not need [Contribution Total] or one of it's components, it is highly recommended to not select this Value. It will almost duplicate the number of records in the database


When selecting members from the Entity dimensions you should expand the tree to the level you want to include. For example:


The selection mode is governed by a System Variable (see section 

Tree selection mode (mode 1)

Image Removed

Like with Entity, the members that you do not select will not be included in the corresponding Account dimension in CXO. A major difference is, however, that all the levels below a selected member will automatically be included in the extraction and the dimension build-up in the CXO-Cockpit application. So, even though we only selected 'NetProfit', within CXO we will include all details of the underlying members all the way down to the base-level:

Image RemovedYou can recognize this mode by the red font of the selected entities. In this example, the selection of NetProfit implies that we get this account as well as all it's descendants all the way down to the base level.

Note that NetProfit is selected twice (green circles). In this case it doesn't make sense, but it can be that you implicitly select it twice because NetProfit is copied under one of the other selected nodes. The way how this kind of duplication is handled is explained below where we describe the System Variable PreAggregateAccounts

Further note that OtherInfo is expanded because we do not want all members under that node. Unchecked members, like Rates, are not included.

.Image Added

A fragment of the resulting dimension in CXO  looks like:

Image Added

WYSIWYG mode (mode 2)

In this mode we use black font. Similar to the Entity dimension, the resulting Account dimension in CXO exactly looks the way you expanded the selection.

This then would be an unrealistic selection:

Image Added

because it would mean that in CXO we e.g. only select NetProfit and none of the accounts determining this account. A more realistic selection (for NetProfit) would be:

Image Added

resulting in:


Best practice is to avoid multiple occurrences of members in the selection. This will slow-down the Processing of the OLAP database and/or the report queries. In doing that you should always realize that we extract all details under a certain parent node: even if you did not select duplicate members they can be there implicitly among the descendants of selected nodes.


NameDescription and optionsPossible values
DeleteZeroRecordsWhen set to 1, all records in the HFM database with Data = 0 will be skipped (and hence becomes NULL / Empty in the CXO reports). When set to 0, also records with Data = 0 will be extracted. Only do this if there are not too many zeros in the HFM database (e.g., as a result of automatic load of data) and you really want to distinguish between 0 and NULL.

1 = True

0 = False

FilterSourceDataTo get the raw data from HFM, queries are constructed that get the data and dimension information from the right tables of the HFM database. If FilterSourceData is set to 0, we only apply a simple filter for including or excluding ICP details, but no filter for the Entities. Entities are then filtered once the raw data is stored in the CXO staging database. When FilterSourceData = 1 then we explicitly filter by Entity already within the raw-data query (WHERE EntityId in ....). In general, if more than ~30% of the entities is selected for inclusion ion CXO it is better to set FilterSourceData = 0 because the huge WHERE clause will slow-down the query. If less than ~30% is to be included then set FilterSourceData = 1.

1 = True

0 = False



When set to 0, the Value-dimension (stored in the CXO GAP dimension will be flat:

When set to 1, the original hierarchy will be retained:

Only set IncludeInputValues = 1 if you need the Adjs detail

1 = True

0 = False


As explained earlier, selections from the Account Dimension are usually done on a high level (the root node, or a few levels lower). All descendants of a selected node are then selected as well. A potential danger of this approach is that complete substructures might be repeated while you don't see them in your selection. For example, a node like NetProfit can have a lot of descendants and each time this node is used in other KPI's potentially all these descendants are duplicated as well, resulting in a lot of duplicate fact records in the cube:


By setting PreAggregateAccounts = 1 we will pre-aggregate the 2nd occurrence of NetProfit and give it the name ...NetProfit:


From a data point of view, NetProfit and ...NetProfit are 100% equal. However, drilling into the Descendants of ...NetProfit is not possible.

The advantage of this approach is that it keeps the Account dimension smal(ler) and it generates less records in the cube. The disadvantage is that if you drill into e.g. OtherInfo you will never reach members like InterestInc(Exp).

1 = True

0 = False


When set to 1 the entity-names will always be stored as a combination of parent.child:

This variable must be set to 1 when the value [Contribution Total] is selected and the Entity selection contains duplicates. Note that if you change this setting, entity lists already created in CXO might get invalid.

1 = True

0 = False

UseCustomRollupForAccountsTechnical setting. Set to 0. 
UseCustomRollupForCustomDimensionsTechnical setting. Set to 0. 

As mentioned above, Custom dimensions (A01, A02, ... in CXO Cockpit) can be generated in two ways.

  1. WYSIWYG mode: WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get. It means that the A0# dimension will exactly follow the expand and collapse actions in the Dimension Member selection screen. In other words, if the selection and expansion is as follows:
      then the resulting CXO dimension looks like:

  2. Dynamic Tree Selection mode (if in this mode, as of 5.4 patch 6, you will see the selected members in red): if you select a member, you automatically select all the descendants, unless you explicitly deselect some of them. In this mode the same selection and resulting CXO dimension is:



0 = do not apply to any custom dimension

Comma separated list of Custom dimensions you want to see in WYSIWYG mode (e.g., 1,3,4,7)

WYSIWYGModeForAccountDimensionSee WYSIWYGModeForCustomDimensions (and the description of the Account dimension) 


Technical preparations

-- create CC_PERIOD table
