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This guide is generic and applies to all Longview products (Close, Tax, Plans, Transfer Pricing). 

Installation Prerequisites

  • CXO Version 21.3.3 (or higher)

  • .NET 6.0 or higher has to be installed

  • Longview version 21.2 or newer


  • Install Longview Adapter

CXO Configuration and Source Creation

Note: To use the Longview Adapter you require a license key with Longview enabled.


  • After running the above commands, the adapter is configured, and a first source is available. When multiple sources are required, run the create-source-in-adapter command for each source that is required.

  • Each source is created with a default configuration for dimensions, Longview symbol names, etc. These defaults need to be changed for the source to function properly. The next section explains how to configure the Longview sources.

Longview Source Configuration

A newly created Longview source needs additional configuration to function properly. Since the Longview adapter currently does not have a user interface, these configurations have to be done by running SQL scripts on the Longview configuration database.

Longview Connection

To show the currently configured connection information for the sources in the Longview adapter, run the following query on the configuration database:


Code Block
update  sc
set     sc.Url = '',
        sc.UserName = 'Administrator',
from    LVSourceConfiguration sc
join    Source s on sc.SourceId = s.Id
where   s.Name = 'MyLongviewSource'

Showing Dimension Configuration for a Source

To show the dimension mappings for a given source that has been configured, run the following query with the correct source name:


For every dimension the SymbolAttribute that needs to be extracted from Longview and the CXO attribute on the member that needs to get the extracted value is displayed. For instance, the ZGPNativeCurrency attribute can be mapped to the Currency attribute of the CXO Entity dimension.

Updating Dimension Configuration for a Source

For updating dimension configuration of a Longview source:


If you want to map a Longview dimension mapping to a CXO dimension that already has a Longview dimension mapped to it, first remove the existing mapping before adding the new mapping.

Create a Dimension Mapping

To create a new dimension mapping from a Longview dimension to a CXO dimension, run the following query with correct values for LVSourceConfigurationId and CxoDimension (from running QUERY 3) and the name of the LV Dimension you want to map.


Code Block
select LVDimensionName
from DimensionMapping
LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id
and CxoDimension in ('YER', 'PER', 'VIW')
group by LVDimensionName

Remove a Dimension Mapping

To remove a dimension mapping from a Longview dimension to a CXO dimension, run the following query with correct values for LVSourceConfigurationId and CxoDimension (run QUERY 3).


Code Block
declare @lv_source_configuration_id uniqueidentifier = 'LV SOURCE CONFIGURATION ID HERE';
declare @cxo_dimension varchar(50) = 'CXO DIMENSION HERE';
declare @lv_dimension_name varchar(255) = (
    select LVDimensionName 
    from DimensionMapping 
    where LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id 
    and CxoDimension = @cxo_dimension

update  DimensionMapping
set     LVDimensionName = NULL
where   LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id
and     CxoDimension = @cxo_dimension

delete from LVDimensionsExtractionConfiguration
where   LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id 
and     DimensionName = @lv_dimension_name

Update Symbol Names, Symbol Attributes and Dimension Description

To update symbol names, symbol attributes and dimension description for a LV dimension, run the following query with the correct LVSourceConfigurationId and DimensionName (run QUERY 4).


Code Block
update  LVDimensionsExtractionConfiguration
set     SymbolNames = '...',
		SymbolAttributes = '...',
		DimensionDescription = '...'
where   LVSourceConfigurationId = 'LV SOURCE CONFIGURATION ID HERE'
and     DimensionName = 'DIMENSION NAME HERE'

Create a Member Attribute Mapping

To create a new member attribute mapping for a specific dimension, run the following query with the correct DimensionMappingId (run QUERY 5).


Code Block
insert into MemberAttributeMapping 
    (Id, DimensionMappingId, CxoMemberAttribute, SymbolAttribute)
values (

Remove a Member Attribute Mapping

To remove an existing member attribute mapping, run the following query with the correct DimensionMappingId and SymbolAttribute (run QUERY 5).
