Please note, while following numbering syntax, the release versioning does not adhere to Semantic Versioning rules.
OneStream Adapter 22.4.0
Update application to .NET 6
Breaking changes
Requires .NET 6 hosting bundle installed on the server
Disable encryption for connection string with plain-text username and passwords (e.g. on demo environments)
Note: This was set to false by default in previous versions so it is the situation before the upgrade. It is now set to true by default https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/sql/connect/ado-net/introduction-microsoft-data-sqlclient-namespace?view=sql-server-ver15#breaking-changes-in-40
Add the following at the end of the connection string: ;Encrypt=False
Connection strings can be found in the following files
<Path to Adapter>\Web API\appsettings.json
<Path to Adapter>\Processing Service\appsettings.json
In the database the changes need to be done in the following tables
In dbo.application_variables table, av_value for av_name = ‘OneStream Adapter: Configuration Connection String’
In dbo.applications for all entries in connection_string column
After install (optional)
.NET Core 2.0 hosting bundle can be uninstalled from the server