To show the currently configured values for these fields, run the following query:
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select dec.LVSourceConfigurationId,
from Source s
join LVSourceConfiguration sc on sc.SourceId = s.Id
join LVDimensionsExtractionConfiguration dec on dec.LVSourceConfigurationId = sc.Id
where s.Name = 'SOURCE NAME HERE' |
Finally, it is possible to extract additional attributes from the Longview system and link them to members in a configured dimension. To show the currently configure member attribute mappings, run the following query:
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select dm.Id, dm.CxoDimension, dm.LVDimensionName, mam.CxoMemberAttribute, mam.SymbolAttribute from Source s join LVSourceConfiguration sc on sc.SourceId = s.Id join DimensionMapping dm on dm.LVSourceConfigurationId = sc.Id join MemberAttributeMapping mam on mam.DimensionMappingId = dm.Id where s.Name = 'SOURCE NAME HERE' |
Per dimension this shows the SymbolAttribute that needs to be extracted from Longview, plus the CXO attribute on the member that needs to get the extracted value. For instance, the ZGPNativeCurrency attribute can be mapped to the Currency attribute of the CXO Entity dimension.
Updating Dimension Configuration for a Source
Create a new dimension mapping from a Longview dimension to a CXO dimension
Remove an existing dimension mapping from a Longview dimension to a CXO dimension
Update symbol names, symbol attributes and/or dimension description for a mapped Longview dimension.
Update Create a new member attribute mapping
Remove an existing member attribute mapping
NOTE: if you want to map a Longview dimension mapping to a CXO dimension that already has a Longview dimension mapped to it, first remove the existing mapping before adding the new mapping.
To create a new dimension mapping from a Longview dimension to a CXO dimension, run the following query with correct values for LVSourceConfigurationId and CxoDimension (you get these from running QUERY 3) plus the name of the LV Dimension you want to map.
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declare @lv_dimension_name varchar(255) = 'LV DIMENSION NAME HERE'; declare @lv_source_configuration_id uniqueidentifier = 'LV SOURCE CONFIGURATION ID HERE'; declare @cxo_dimension varchar(50) = 'CXO DIMENSION HERE'; update DimensionMapping set LVDimensionName = @lv_dimension_name where LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id and CxoDimension = @cxo_dimension insert into LVDimensionsExtractionConfiguration ( Id, DimensionName, LVSourceConfigurationId, SymbolNames, DimensionDescription, SymbolAttributes) values (newid(), @lv_dimension_name, @lv_source_configuration_id, '', '', '') |
To remove a dimension mapping from a Longview dimension to a CXO dimension, run the following query with correct values for LVSourceConfigurationId and CxoDimension (you get these from running QUERY 3).
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declare @lv_source_configuration_id uniqueidentifier = 'LV SOURCE CONFIGURATION ID HERE'; declare @cxo_dimension varchar(50) = 'CXO DIMENSION HERE'; declare @lv_dimension_name varchar(255) = ( select LVDimensionName from DimensionMapping where LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id and CxoDimension = @cxo_dimension ); update DimensionMapping set LVDimensionName = NULL where LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id and CxoDimension = @cxo_dimension delete from LVDimensionsExtractionConfiguration where LVSourceConfigurationId = @lv_source_configuration_id and DimensionName = @lv_dimension_name |
To update symbol names, symbol attributes and dimension description for a LV dimension, run the following query with the correct LVSourceConfigurationId and DimensionName (you get these from running QUERY 4).
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update LVDimensionsExtractionConfiguration
set SymbolNames = '...',
SymbolAttributes = '...',
DimensionDescription = '...'
where LVSourceConfigurationId = 'LV SOURCE CONFIGURATION ID HERE'
and DimensionName = 'DIMENSION NAME HERE' |
Create a Member Attribute Mapping
To create a new member attribute mapping for a specific dimension, run the following query with the correct DimensionMappingId (you get this from running QUERY 5).
Code Block |
insert into MemberAttributeMapping (Id, DimensionMappingId, CxoMemberAttribute, SymbolAttribute) values ( newid(), 'DIMENSION MAPPING ID HERE', 'CXO MEMBER ATTRIBUTE HERE', 'SYMBOL ATTRIBUTE HERE' |
) |
Remove a Member Attribute Mapping
To remove an existing member attribute mapping
TODO, run the following query with the correct DimensionMappingId and SymbolAttribute (you get these from running QUERY 5).
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delete from MemberAttributeMapping
where DimensionMappingId = 'DIMENSION MAPPING ID HERE'
and SymbolAttribute = 'SYMBOL ATTRIBUTE HERE' |