
Within CXO it is possible to print both single pages and full management books (storyboards). This article describes how to print a single report and what options you have.

Every page can be exported to PDF and Microsoft PowerPoint. Financial Statement, Multi-Column, Home Page and Free Format templates with Table objects can be exported to Microsoft Excel as well. 


Table of Contents

Print/Export jobs are processed asynchronously, this means that you can navigate away from the page while your export is generated by the CXO Export Service. At any time you can click "Check Export Jobs" to see the status of your job and when finished open or download the file.

PDF Export

Reports can differ in width and height. When exporting pages it is important to define the way how pages are fit to paper. Especially with the ability to write multi-line comments reports can grow in height and it is not always desirable to have page breaks.

PDF is the most common way to print a report, you can select if you want to print Portrait or Landscape. Portrait will save ink and leaves more space for comments. You can also select if you want to print the comments or not.

With the PDF export it is possible to decide how to print it:

1Portrait orientation
2Landscape orientation
3Fit report to width of page
4Stretch report over whole page
5Fit report on one page
6Include or exclude comments

PowerPoint Export

When printing a single report to PowerPoint, you will get a PowerPoint presentation with only one sheet. PowerPoint exports are always landscape and contain exactly what is on your screen. Parts of the screen that are not visible due to scrolling will not be printed to PowerPoint.

Excel Export

The Table objects in Reports based on the following templates can be exported to Excel:

The Excel files contain the same formatting as on the screen but only of a table. Other objects such as Bridges and Charts are not exported.

If you export a report, which contains inline drills, for any drills that have been expanded, the drill members will be exported together with the parent and indented to reflect one or more levels of drill down.

Chart Export

Users also have the capability to Export individual chart images (including an image that has been expanded using the zoom feature) to a .PNG, .JPG or .SVG file using the right-click option.  The images can then be easily included in a more easily customized presentation, website, annual report, etc. 

See Also